Advanced Technologies

Software Engineer

I am an Advanced Technologies Software Engineer.

I've been contracting at MIT Lincoln Laboratory for over 16 years,
doing technology assessments, designing, coding, and delivering
proof of technology prototypes and other advanced software.

Stuff that hasn't been done before.

For clients with new problems and uncertain solutions.

I've designed, written, and delivered code on award winning teams.

My code was personally used by the Lab Director to become familiar with cyber-defense,

Before MIT, I designed, coded, and shipped over 20 commercial software products
for the financial, legal, logistics, and other industries.

I co-founded 7-128 Software,
producing computer games for people visually or motion impaired.

We've shipped over 30 commercial computer games, with zero bug reports.

Including Here Comes the Duck!
The only game for blind Chinese infants.

My current personal side projects explore

Recently a colleague at the Lab reported he'd overheard a Lab staffer say:

“We need a John Bannick on this project.”
And her colleague reply:
“Yes, but he's unavailable.”

I bore easily.